2020 Galaxy Z Flip Receives 2024 Update

What you should know

  • Samsung announced it will offer seven years of software support for the Galaxy S24, potentially covering users until 2031 and Android 21.
  • The original Galaxy Z Flip from 2020 will not be getting Android 21 or the current Android 14, but it is getting the January 2024 security update, first in European countries.
  • The January 2024 security update, rolled out in Italy, is designed to fix 75 security flaws found in the previous software version, but it doesn’t bring any new features or performance improvements.
  • Among the 75 security flaws that the update is designed to fix, one is deemed critical, 68 are high-risk, and the remaining are classified as posing a moderate threat.

Full Story

Samsung’s not letting Google steal the spotlight, no sir. Alongside the Galaxy S24’s big reveal, the tech titan announced a whopping seven years of software support. Imagine that, seven years!

Now, if we manage to keep the planet intact (fingers crossed for no nuclear WW3), Samsung’s latest and greatest should have us covered till 2031. We’re talking Android 21, folks.

But wait, there’s a catch. The original Galaxy Z Flip from 2020 (ah, what a year!) won’t be getting the Android 21, nor the current Android 14. Bummer, right?

But, hey, there’s a silver lining. This clamshell OG is getting the January 2024 security update. And guess who’s getting it first? Europe, baby! (That’s according to SamMobile, by the way.)

Now, the update (we’re talking firmware version F700FXXSEKWL1) has already been rolled out in Italy. It’s designed to fix 75 security flaws found in the previous software version.

But, and it’s a big but, don’t expect the January 2024 security update to bring any new features or performance improvements. I mean, it’s not gonna magically turn your 2020 device into a 2024 tech wonder.

Want to check for the new update? Easy peasy. Open the Settings app, navigate to Software update, and tap Download and install.

Now, about those 75 security flaws. One of them is critical, 68 are high-risk, and the rest? They’re classified as moderate threats.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynnhttps://www.phonesinsights.com
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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