2024 iPad Pro and iPad Air: Latest Rumors

What you should know


  • OLED displays for both the 11-inch and the 12.9-inch iPad Pro models, offering superior contrast, thinner displays, and more vibrant colors.
  • Price hike of $160-$200 for the new iPad Pro models, justified by the inclusion of OLED displays, updated design, MagSafe support, and a new Apple Pencil.
  • MagSafe support and a thinner body for the iPad Pros, facilitated by an updated design with a glass back and reduced dimensions.
  • Introduction of a 3rd generation Apple Pencil with haptic feedback and three squeeze gestures, indicating significant improvements in functionality.


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Oh boy, Apple’s at it again! They’re throwing a “Let Loose” event on May 7, and the buzz? It’s deafening. Everyone’s talking about the new iPad Pro and iPad Air. Wonder what’s going to steal the show?

Top rumors? OLED displays for the iPad Pro 2024 are making rounds. Mark Gurman and Ross Young, those Apple whisperers, are pretty confident about this. So, fingers crossed, we might finally see those OLED screens. The current iPad Pros? They’re rocking LED Liquid Retina displays. But OLED? That’s the stuff of dreams for thinner displays and popping colors.

Now, let’s talk money. A price hike of $160-$200 is looming over the new iPad Pro models. If OLED rumors are true, that price bump might just make sense. After all, OLED ain’t cheap, and with Apple possibly throwing in an updated design, MagSafe support, and a snazzy Apple Pencil, well, they’ve got to balance those books somehow.

Speaking of MagSafe, it’s looking like a sure thing for the iPad Pros. Gurman’s hinting at an updated design with a glass back. Why glass, you ask? MagSafe, my friend. It needs that glass to work its magic. Imagine just plopping your iPad down and it starts charging. No wires, no fuss.

And thinner? You bet. Some CAD drawings leaked, showing off slimmer iPad Pros. But don’t expect a revolution in slimness; it’s a subtle change. For the numbers folks: the new 11-inch model might be just a tad larger but thinner, and the ~13-inch model, similarly, a whisper bigger but slimmer.

Chipset gossip is wild, with the next-gen M4 chipset rumored. This chip is supposed to follow the M3, which, by the way, only hit the scene five months ago. Gurman’s throwing his weight behind this rumor, so maybe, just maybe, it’s got legs.

And storage? 4TB might just be an option. Though, take this with a grain of salt. It’s a bit out there, and not from our usual rumor mills. But imagine the possibilities! A 4TB iPad Pro could seriously give MacBooks a run for their money.

Now, for the Apple Pencil enthusiasts. A 3rd generation pencil might be on the horizon, complete with haptic feedback and three squeeze gestures. Gurman’s usually on the money, so we’re leaning towards believing this one.

Selfie camera shake-up? iOS 17.4 code dive suggests a landscape orientation for the Face ID camera. It’s about time, considering how iPad Pros are practically laptops now.

And the iPad Air? It might go big with a 12.9-inch model. Leaked schematics are backing this up, so keep your eyes peeled. The M2 chipset could also make its way into the iPad Air, promising a hefty performance boost.

But don’t expect a revolution with the iPad Air. Colors and maybe a camera tweak are on the table, but that’s about it.

The iPad mini 7, though not expected at the May event, might still surprise us. It’s likely sticking with an LCD screen, and a faster chip could be in the cards. New colors? Possibly, inspired by the iPhone 15.

In conclusion, while the iPad Air will likely dazzle with its size, the real excitement lies with the iPad Pro models. Apple’s gearing up to impress, and we’re here for it. Let’s see what happens!

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynnhttps://www.phonesinsights.com
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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