Apple Developer Academy Launches in Bali: Bridging Code to Career

What you should know

  • Apple is intensifying its support for Indonesia’s iOS app economy through the inauguration of a new Apple Developer Academy in Bali, marking the fourth such academy in the nation aimed at bolstering opportunities for developers, students, and entrepreneurs.
  • Since the first Apple Developer Academy was established in Jakarta in 2018, over 2,000 graduates have emerged from the academies in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Batam, with 90% finding significant employment in various sectors, demonstrating the success and impact of these academies.
  • The academy offers a comprehensive nine-month program that not only focuses on coding fundamentals but also includes design, marketing, and project management to equip students with the necessary skills to become proficient entrepreneurs and developers.
  • Success stories from the academy, such as the creation of WonderJack, an iPad game designed to aid children with learning challenges, and PetaNetra, Indonesia’s first indoor navigation app for visually impaired users, highlight the significant social impact and innovation driven by academy graduates.

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Oh, Apple’s at it again! They’re diving deeper into Indonesia’s app scene, popping open a brand new Developer Academy in Bali. Yep, Bali. That makes it the fourth one in the country. The aim? To throw open doors for developers, students, and those entrepreneurial spirits in the region.

Since Jakarta got its first taste of an Apple Developer Academy in 2018, there’ve been a couple more in Surabaya and Batam. Together, they’ve pushed over 2,000 hopeful devs out into the world. And get this—90% of these brainy folks landed jobs that matter. They’re everywhere now, from education to e-commerce, even sustainability.

Tim Cook (you know, Apple’s big cheese) had something to say about it: “We’ve seen many times over that a line of code can change the world – and in Indonesia, we’re investing in the creativity and skills of people determined to prove it.” He’s stoked about the growing developer community there. And with this fourth academy, they’re not hitting the brakes anytime soon.

The academy’s not just about coding. Nope. It’s a nine-month deep dive into design, marketing, and project management too. They’re shaping up students to be all-round entrepreneurs and developers. And guess what? The Bali campus is throwing its doors wide open, inviting applications from all over the globe. No matter your background or how cozy you are with coding.

It’s been quite the mix at the academies in Indonesia. Students have trekked from over 90 cities across the country, aged 18 to 50, each with their own stories and dreams. Imagine the melting pot of ideas for apps and business plans!

Take Mary Santoso, for example. A stay-at-home mom turned tech entrepreneur. She created WonderJack, an iPad game for kids facing learning challenges, inspired by her own family’s journey with dyslexia. It’s got a calming interface and hands-on elements for a stress-free learning vibe. Schools are even jumping on board to spread the word.

Then there’s PetaNetra, a beacon of hope for the visually impaired in Indonesia, thanks to alumni Graciela Gabrielle, Jessi Febria, and Yafonia Hutabarat. It’s the country’s first indoor navigation app, using augmented reality to guide users safely. Born from a desire to make a social impact, it’s a heartfelt tribute to their parents and the 4 million visually impaired citizens.

Alumni like Denis Wibisono and Rais Mohamad Najib are now leading the iOS charge at Bank Mandiri, thanks to the academy. They’re all about the skills and critical thinking it fostered.

So, yeah. Apple’s Developer Academy in Indonesia? It’s more than just a coding school. It’s a launchpad for dreamers, doers, and game-changers. And with each new academy, who knows what stories of innovation and impact will unfold next?

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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