Apple to Compensate iPhone Users with Up to $150 for Slowed Performance

What you should know


  • Apple agrees to pay up to $14.4 million (CAD) to settle a class-action lawsuit in Canada over allegations of intentionally slowing down older iPhones.
  • Eligible claimants, who are Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) owning certain iPhone models, could receive between $17.50 and $150 depending on the number of claims.
  • The lawsuit stemmed from actions in late 2017 when Apple was found to be slowing down older iPhones, which it explained was to prevent unexpected shutdowns due to aged batteries.
  • Apple has denied any wrongdoing but chose to settle to avoid further litigation costs, having previously settled a similar lawsuit in the US for up to $500 million.


Full Story

Oh, Apple’s in the hot seat again, folks. This time, they’re forking over a hefty $14.4 million in Canadian dollars. Why? Well, it’s all because of a class-action lawsuit up in Canada. The claim? They intentionally slowed down some older iPhones. Classic, right?

So, here’s the scoop according to CBC. If you’re part of this lawsuit, you might get a little something-something. We’re talking between $17.50 and $150. But hey, that depends on how many folks come forward (hat tip to MacRumors for the details).

Remember back in late 2017? Suddenly, your old iPhone started moving like molasses. Yeah, that wasn’t just you. Turns out, Apple was indeed putting the brakes on some models. The reason? They said it was all about keeping those aging batteries from giving up the ghost at the worst times. You know, preventing those awkward, unexpected shutdowns.

But here’s the kicker – customers were none too pleased. Why? Apple kinda, sorta forgot to mention this little “feature” to them. Oops. Cue a barrage of lawsuits. Apple’s response? A sheepish apology and a temporary price cut for battery replacements – from $79 down to $29.

Despite all this, Apple’s standing firm on one thing – they’re claiming they did nothing wrong. Still, they’ve decided to settle. Guess they figured it was cheaper than duking it out in court.

Now, who’s eligible for this sweet, sweet settlement cash? If you’re a Canadian resident (sorry, Quebec, you’re sitting this one out) and owned an iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, or an SE with iOS 10.2.1 (or later), or an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus with iOS 11.2 (or later) before December 21, 2017, you’re in luck. Just dig up that old iPhone’s serial number to stake your claim.

Heads up, claim forms are hitting the scene soon. If you’re part of the class, you’ll need to fill one out and send it in to see any of that money.

Oh, and in case you missed it, this isn’t Apple’s first rodeo. They agreed to pay up to $500 million to settle a similar lawsuit in the U.S. not too long ago. Payments started rolling out earlier this year, with some folks pocketing $92.17.

So, there you have it. Another chapter in the saga of tech giants and their tussles with the law. Stay tuned, and maybe check your mail for a little something from Apple.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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