Apple to Shrink iPhone 17 Plus Display Size

What you should know


  • Apple reintroduced the “Plus” branding with the iPhone 14 Plus, featuring a large display and the largest battery ever in an iPhone at the time.
  • The iPhone 16 Pro Max is expected to have a 6.9-inch screen, making it larger than the non-Pro iPhone 16 Plus for the first time.
  • Demand for the iPhone 14 Plus was lower than expected, leading to speculation that Apple will adjust the size of the iPhone 17 Plus to differentiate it more from the Pro Max model.
  • Current differences between the iPhone 15 Plus and iPhone 15 Pro Max include the processor, refresh rate, camera capabilities, RAM, and storage options.


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In 2022, something big happened. Apple decided to shake things up by ditching the iPhone 13 mini. Instead, they went big. Really big. They introduced a phone boasting the same massive display as the iPhone 14 Pro Max. And the battery? It was the largest they’d ever squeezed into an iPhone. They called this beast the iPhone 14 Plus. Ah, the “Plus” branding – a nostalgic nod to the larger-screened legends like the iPhone 6 and 7 series.

Fast forward to last year with the iPhone 15 Plus, and it felt a bit like déjà vu. Apple pretty much did a copy-paste, albeit with a slightly smaller battery than its Pro Max sibling. But hey, change was on the horizon. This year, the iPhone 16 line-up is stirring the pot again. The Pro models are getting a bit more screen real estate. We’re talking a 6.9-inch display on the Pro Max and a 6.3-inch screen for the Pro. The non-Pro models? They’re sticking to the 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch displays. Interestingly, this marks the first time the Plus model will have a smaller screen than the Pro Max. Go figure.

But let’s not forget the iPhone 14 Plus. Poor thing suffered from a bit of an identity crisis, with demand not quite hitting the mark. Now, whispers in the tech world suggest more changes are afoot. Ross Young, that guy with the inside scoop, hinted at Apple shrinking the iPhone 17 Plus. It’s gonna be a “tween” size, nestled between the iPhone 17 and the 17 Pro Max.

Despite its hefty battery and display, the iPhone 14 Plus didn’t quite capture hearts the way Apple hoped. The iPhone 15 Plus seemed to fare a bit better, but Apple’s still on a mission. They’re looking to carve a clearer distinction between the iPhone 17 Plus and the Pro Max. And the differences? They’re pretty noticeable. We’re talking different processors, refresh rates, cameras, RAM, and storage options. It’s like comparing apples and slightly different apples.

As for what’s next, the iPhone 16 series is on the launchpad for this September. And the iPhone 17 lineup? We’re probably looking at a 2025 reveal. Between now and then, we’re bound to get more juicy details on the iPhone 17 Plus. Stay tuned, folks. This saga is far from over.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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