Circle to Search Update: Rivaling Traditional Screenshot Tools

What you should know


  • Google is reportedly working on an update to Circle to Search, allowing users to copy and share screenshots of a selected area of the screen.
  • The new update will enable users to capture the circled area as an image, which can then be edited or shared, enhancing the current capability of searching and copying text.
  • Improvements to the Circle to Search feature include a redesign of the selection handles, indicating ongoing development and potential changes before the final release.
  • The release timeline for the updated Circle to Search feature is uncertain, but it may be included in a future Pixel Feature Drop or announced as part of Android 15 improvements at Google I/O.


Full Story

Ever felt the itch to quickly share just a part of your phone screen with pals or work buddies? Well, guess what? There’s chatter about a new feature that might just let you do that. Google’s in the lab, tinkering away on an update to Circle to Search. This nifty tool is gonna let folks copy and share screenshots of just a slice of their screen.

“Circle to Search,” you know, that trick on some of the latest Pixel and Samsung Galaxy smartphones? It lets you draw a circle on your screen to look stuff up or copy text. But here’s the kicker with the update they’re cooking up, based on what AssembleDebug spilled to PiunikaWeb. You’re not just gonna search anymore. Nope, you’ll snag that circled bit as an image. Then, bam, edit or share it right away.

Imagine the possibilities! Sharing bits of apps, documents, or any visual from your phone screen without the old screenshot-then-crop dance. And oh, there’s a bit of a makeover coming too. Circle to Search is trading its rounded brackets for a squarer look, though it seems a tad rough around the edges. Might be they’re still mid-magic on that part.

Hat tip to PiunikaWeb for the scoop, by the way. As for when this shiny new update will hit Pixel phones, that’s still up in the air. But if Google’s past moves are anything to go by, it could pop up in a future Pixel Feature Drop. Or, who knows, maybe they’re saving the big reveal for Google I/O as part of an Android 15 showcase.

Circle to Search and AI, that’s where Google’s pouring its heart these days. They’re probably wanting to polish this gem a bit more before letting it loose on us. Can’t say I blame ’em. After all, who doesn’t appreciate a bit more shine?

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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