Elon Musk Confirms Tesla App for Apple Watch, Sparks Anticipation

What you should know


  • Elon Musk hinted at the possibility of Tesla adding Apple Watch integration in response to a social media query, suggesting Tesla owners might soon control their cars using their Apple Watches.
  • There’s no clear timeline for the implementation of the Tesla app for Apple Watch, and Musk’s response seemed more spontaneous than a pre-planned development.
  • The potential Tesla app for Apple Watch could offer functions like unlocking the car, adjusting the cabin’s climate, and toggling Sentry mode, but specifics have not been officially confirmed.
  • Despite the exciting prospect of Tesla and Apple collaborations, there have been tensions, highlighted by Apple pulling advertising on X (formerly Twitter) following Musk’s controversial endorsement on the platform.


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Elon Musk, ever the enigmatic leader, loves to tease us. He’s all over social platforms, dropping hints like breadcrumbs. Just the other day, he was at it again. Where? On X, of course (you know, the artist formerly known as Twitter).

So, here’s the scoop from 9to5Mac. Tesla owners, get ready. You might just start controlling your cars with your Apple Watches. Musk, in his usual style, responded to a query about Tesla and Apple Watch integration with a casual “Sure.” Classic Musk, right?

But, and it’s a big but, don’t hold your breath for an immediate rollout. Musk’s “Sure” feels more like a spur-of-the-moment thought than anything concrete. Imagine, though, the possibilities. Unlocking your Tesla, messing with the climate settings, or toggling Sentry mode right from your wrist. Sounds neat, huh?

Yet, Tesla’s keeping mum on what exactly the app would do. And, boy, are Tesla fans itching for it. They’ve been hollering for something like this for ages. Plus, they want Live Activities for charging status updates. But Tesla? Silent as a vault.

Apple and Tesla do like to play nice, mostly. Remember when Apple Podcasts and Music made their grand entrance into Tesla’s cars? Pretty slick. But, let’s not forget, the relationship’s had its bumps. Like that time last year when Apple yanked its ads from X after Musk cheered on some sketchy conspiracy theory.

So, yeah. Musk’s hinting game is strong. And the Tesla-Apple Watch dream? Still up in the air. But hey, in the world of tech, who knows what tomorrow brings?

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynnhttps://www.phonesinsights.com
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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