Epic Claims Apple Blocked Its EU Third-Party App Store Out of Revenge

What you should know

  • Apple has blocked Epic Games from creating a third-party app storefront for iPhone users in the EU, citing a violation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) after closing Epic’s developer account.
  • Epic Games was previously removed from the App Store in 2020 for including a direct in-app payment platform in Fortnite, which bypassed Apple’s 15%-30% commission on in-app payments.
  • Despite the Digital Markets Act facilitating changes, Apple shut down Epic’s EU developer account, which Epic claims is a move to eliminate competition and retaliate against criticism.
  • Epic criticizes new fees Apple plans to charge developers, including a Core Technology Fee, and describes Apple’s compliance plans with the DMA as inadequate and problematic.

Full Story

Oh, the drama between Epic Games and Apple, it’s like watching a soap opera unfold. But with more tech jargon. Epic had high hopes, you see. They were eyeing the EU, dreaming of launching their own app store for iPhone users across all 27 countries. Thanks to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), they thought they had a shot.

But Apple? They weren’t having any of it. According to Bloomberg, Apple put a stop to Epic’s plans. The reason? It seems like a classic tale of revenge. Epic had the audacity to criticize Apple, and now, Apple’s clapping back by blocking their move. Just today, Apple went ahead and shut down Epic’s developer account in the EU. Epic’s calling foul, saying it’s a “serious violation” of the DMA. But let’s not forget, Apple had already given Epic the boot in the U.S. and other markets back in 2020. Why? Because Epic tried to sidestep Apple’s 15%-30% in-app payment commission by introducing their own payment platform in Fortnite. Talk about a bold move.

Rewind to 2020, and you’ll remember Epic got kicked out of the App Store. They had sneaked in their own payment platform into Fortnite, breaking all the rules. What followed was an epic (pun intended) lawsuit. The outcome? Apple had to loosen up a bit, allowing developers to link to third-party payment platforms. But, Epic’s dream of getting their own App Store on the iPhone remained just that, a dream.

Apple did extend an olive branch, though. Thanks to the DMA changes, Epic got a developer account in the EU. But, as luck (or Apple) would have it, that account’s now been axed. Epic’s CEO, Tim Sweeney, isn’t mincing words. He’s pretty much blaming the criticism they’ve hurled at Apple for this mess.

Epic’s fuming, to say the least. They see this move as Apple trying to squash one of its biggest potential rivals. According to them, Apple’s sending a clear message to any developer daring to compete or criticize: “Don’t mess with us.” And then there’s the issue of the new fees Apple’s introducing. Take the Core Technology Fee, for example. Developers distributing iOS apps will have to cough up €0.50 for each first annual install after hitting a 1 million threshold. Sweeney’s calling Apple’s compliance plans with the DMA a “hot garbage” and a “horror show.”

Apple, on the other hand, stands firm. They argue they have every right to remove Epic’s “entities” from their platform. They’re pointing to past court rulings that found Epic guilty of a “egregious breach of its contractual obligations.” Apple’s statement today was clear: Given Epic’s history and ongoing antics, they felt justified in pulling the plug.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynnhttps://www.phonesinsights.com
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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