Galaxy S21, S22 Green Line Issue: Free Screen Replacement Offered in Select Country

What you should know


  • Samsung is offering free-of-cost one-time display replacements to owners of impacted Galaxy S21 and S22 models, even if the devices are out of warranty.
  • The green line display issue, though affecting a small proportion of users, is a significant problem for Samsung, especially considering the high cost of the affected phones.
  • In addition to the screen replacement, Samsung is also providing free battery and kit replacement for the affected handsets.
  • The free screen replacement offer is currently only available for Indian customers, possibly due to the higher visibility of the issue in India, which is the world’s second-largest smartphone market and where the affected phones are also manufactured.


Full Story

What’s the absolute last thing a struggling company needs? Yep, you guessed it—bad press. Especially the kind that comes from unhappy customers. Since the year kicked off, there’s been chatter. Not the good kind, though. People have been seeing green lines on their Galaxy S21 and S22 screens. And get this—there’s talk that Samsung’s been asking for cash to fix this.

Suddenly, there’s a twist in the tale. A fresh report’s out, claiming Samsung’s stepping up. They’re offering free screen replacements to those hit by the green glitch. It’s no secret, smartphones and their pesky green lines aren’t exactly strangers. But, Samsung phones? They’ve been in the spotlight for this more than we’d like.

Now, let’s be real. The number of folks facing this issue might not be huge. But when you’ve shelled out over $700? Yeah, not cool. Samsung’s move? They’re saying, “We got this.” Offering a one-time, no-cost screen swap for the S21 and S22 crowd. Even if your warranty’s waved goodbye, you’re covered, says Sam Mobile.

But wait, there’s more. Samsung’s not stopping at just the screen. They’re throwing in a free battery and kit replacement too. Reminds me of how they dealt with similar complaints in India about the Galaxy S20 and Note 20. Speaking of, you’ve got until April 30 to snag an appointment at a Samsung Service Center.

Most of the grumbles about the green line? They’re coming from India. So, it’s no shocker that Samsung’s freebie is for Indian customers. Why India, you ask? Couple of reasons. It’s a huge market for smartphones, second only to China. Plus, Samsung makes their phones there. Maybe it’s time to peek at those quality checks? And let’s not forget, India’s pretty warm. Heat and gadgets? Not the best mix.

So, there you have it. Samsung’s on a mission to turn frowns upside down, at least for their Indian customers. With free screen fixes and a bit more, they’re hoping to smooth over the green line saga. Fingers crossed, right?

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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