Google Photos to Introduce Feature for Hiding Downloaded Memes and UI Enhancements

What you should know


  • Google Photos is introducing a “Hide clutter” setting to help users manage their photo libraries by hiding screenshots, GIFs, and memes in designated albums.
  • The Memories tab in Google Photos is being redesigned with a more streamlined interface, showcasing individual memories as rounded rectangles with a single representative photo.
  • A new toggle will allow users to disable AI-generated Memory titles, giving them more control over how their memories are labeled.
  • These features are still under development and may change, highlighting Google Photos’ ongoing evolution and its efforts to offer users more control over their digital photo libraries.


Full Story

Google Photos is gearing up to be a tad more user-friendly, I heard. They’re rolling out a couple of nifty features that might just save us from the digital mess we’ve all got stashed away. You know, beyond the precious moments, our Google Photos are bursting at the seams with screenshots, memes, and all sorts of GIFs. Fun, sure, but kinda like finding a needle in a haystack when you’re after that one special pic.

Enter the hero we didn’t know we needed: a “Hide clutter” option. Spotted by the eagle-eyed Android code whisperer AssembleDebug (hat tip to PiunikaWeb), this new trick in the app’s sleeve is all about bringing a semblance of order to the chaos. It’s not like your meme collection’s going poof, though. They’re just getting shuffled off to their own little corner, out of sight but not out of mind.

Imagine flipping through your photos, undisturbed by the random chaos of last week’s hilarious but irrelevant memes. That’s the dream, right? And it seems Google’s on its way to making it a reality, according to some code lines found in version The strings Hide clutter and Backed-up photos like screenshots, GIFs, and memes are hidden kinda give the game away.

Oh, and it’s not just about hiding the clutter. The Memories tab is getting a facelift too. Gone are the days of the collage mess. Now, we’re talking sleek, rounded rectangles showcasing single snaps. Love it or hate it, Google’s shaking things up and giving those trips down memory lane a whole new vibe.

And for those of us who’ve raised an eyebrow at some of Google Photos’ AI-generated Memory titles (come on, we’ve all been there), there’s a glimmer of hope. A nifty little toggle is on its way, letting us opt out of these suggestions. Finally, a bit more say in how our memories are captioned.

But, and there’s always a but, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. These updates are still in the oven, baking. They might morph into something else by the time they’re ready to serve, or – fingers crossed this doesn’t happen – get scrapped altogether. Yet, it’s kinda thrilling to see Google Photos not just resting on its laurels but actually trying to spice things up for us.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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