Google Wallet Updates: New Improvements, Still No Amex Support for Fitbit

What you should know


  • Google Wallet has expanded its features to include receiving notifications within the app for various passes like flight boarding passes, event tickets, and loyalty cards.
  • The update allows users to customize security settings for using credit or debit cards for public transportation, offering the option to authenticate payments each time.
  • Google Wallet now supports scanning QR codes and barcodes to easily add them as passes, streamlining the addition of digital coupons or membership cards.
  • Despite initial inclusion in the changelog, support for American Express cards on Fitbit devices was pulled from the update, with Google stating it will not be rolling out as part of Google Play Service v24.16.


Full Story

Google’s been busy lately. They’ve gone and beefed up Google Wallet, making it even more handy than before. But, oh, there was a bit of a hiccup. They teased us with American Express support on Fitbit gadgets, then yanked it away. Classic move, right?

So, Android Authority was on the ball, catching that Google Play Services v24.16 had some new tricks up its sleeve. Notifications in the app? Check. This means you won’t miss out on what’s happening with your flight boarding passes, event tickets, or those loyalty cards you keep forgetting about.

But wait, there’s more. They didn’t make a big song and dance about it, but Google Wallet’s got this new thing. You can tweak your security settings for those times you’re hopping on public transport. Wanna authenticate every payment? You got it. Prefer living on the edge? That’s an option too.

And for the QR code fans out there, Google Wallet’s now your best friend. Scan those codes, add them as passes, and voila! Digital coupons and membership cards are now a breeze to handle.

All these updates are rolling out as we speak. But, let’s circle back to that American Express drama. It was there, in the original changelog, shining bright. Then poof! Gone. Fitbit used to be cozy with AmEx, but since Google Wallet took over, it’s been radio silence.

The plot thickened when Google dropped a statement. They were like, “Nope, American Express on Fitbit isn’t happening with this update.” Why it showed up then disappeared is anyone’s guess. Maybe a mistake? Or some behind-the-scenes issue?

Google’s playing it coy, only saying they’ll update us “when they have more to share.” So, we’re left hanging, wondering what’s next.

In the meantime, let’s not dwell on what could’ve been. The updates we did get are pretty slick. Making payments and managing passes just got a whole lot smoother. Let’s enjoy the ride and see where Google Wallet takes us next.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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