iOS 17.4 Update Causes Battery Drain for Some iPhone Users

What you should know

  • iOS 17.4 introduces significant updates for EU iPhone users, including the ability to sideload apps from third-party app stores, use non-WebKit mobile browsers, and make in-app purchases through third-party platforms.
  • The update enables the Stolen Device Protection feature to work everywhere, not just in familiar locations, enhancing security for all users globally.
  • iOS 17.4 adds 118 new emojis and various bug fixes, but it also brings a concerning issue with battery life drainage reported by several users.
  • For those experiencing battery issues after the update, recommendations include force restarting the iPhone, updating all apps, monitoring battery usage per app, and enabling Low Power Mode to extend battery life.

Full Story

Oh boy, last week was quite the rollercoaster for Apple enthusiasts, especially if you’re in the EU. Boom! iOS 17.4 landed, and it’s like hitting the jackpot. Suddenly, your iPhone’s playing nice with third-party app stores and non-WebKit browsers. Plus, in-app purchases without Apple taking a slice? Sweet.

But, not everyone’s in the EU, right? For the rest of us, the update’s kinda like getting socks for Christmas. Nice, but not thrilling. Still, there’s a silver lining – the Stolen Device Protection now works its magic everywhere. Not just where it thinks you’re supposed to be.

So, here’s the deal. If you’re still on iOS 17.3 or something ancient like that, it’s time for an upgrade. Seriously. Stolen Device Protection is a game-changer. It’s like having a bodyguard for your iPhone, demanding Face ID or Touch ID before letting anyone mess with your settings.

And guess what? iOS 17.4 isn’t just about security. It’s also a party in your emoji keyboard with 118 new emojis. But, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Some folks are finding their iPhone’s battery life taking a nosedive. Imagine, one moment you’re at 60%, and the next, you’re staring at a dead screen.

Social media’s buzzing with these horror stories. One guy lost 40% of his battery in just two hours. Another saw a 13% drop after tweeting twice. And overnight battery deaths? They’re happening.

Charging’s become a slow dance too. Picture this – an iPhone 11 Pro, plugged in at 40%, and four hours later, it’s barely kissing 94%. And the tweets? They’re practically screaming, “Don’t do it! Save your battery!”

But, if you’ve already taken the plunge, don’t despair. There might be a light at the end of this battery-draining tunnel. Start with a force reset. It’s like giving your iPhone a quick nap. Then, wake it up and get those apps updated. You know the drill, head to the App Store and tap away.

Still feeling the battery blues? Dive into Settings > Battery. It’s like a detective game, figuring out which apps are the energy vampires. And if all else fails, dim that screen and kiss goodbye to Always-On. Low Power Mode could be your new best friend.

Fingers crossed, this battery drama’s just a temporary glitch. Here’s hoping Apple‘s got a fix on the way. Because let’s face it, we’re all a little too attached to our iPhones to deal with anything less than perfection.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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