Moto X50 Ultra: The Flagship to Challenge Galaxies and iPhones?

What you should know


  • The upcoming Moto X50 Ultra is generating excitement with its focus on speed, AI improvements, and the potential to compete with top smartphone brands like Samsung and Apple.
  • Rumored features of the Moto X50 Ultra include the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, a 4,500mAh battery with ultra-fast charging capabilities, and advancements in AI technology.
  • Motorola needs to improve in areas such as camera quality and software updates to truly compete as a flagship brand against its competitors.
  • The history of Motorola shows a missed opportunity in the smartphone era, but the new focus on AI and performance with the Moto X50 Ultra could signify a significant shift for the company.


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*Header image: the Motorola Moto Edge 40 Pro*

Once upon a time, Motorola phones were kings of the hill. Those glory days have faded, though. Nowadays, Motorola’s mostly spotted in the budget-friendly aisles, hardly rubbing shoulders with the likes of Apple and… Oranges? Oops, meant Samsungs. But hey, there’s a buzz about the upcoming Moto X50 Ultra (or is it the Motorola Edge+ 2024? Moto Edge 50 Pro? Same gadget, different names for different places, probably). And, not gonna lie, it’s kinda thrilling. Could Moto be gearing up to throw punches with the heavyweights again? Is 2023 spelling a comeback, making room for a new champ in the smartphone arena? Let’s dive in!

So, what’s the Moto X50 Ultra packing that could possibly stand up to the Galaxy S24 Ultra and the iPhone? Caught a teaser recently, and it’s all “Speed! AI!” Sounds juicy for the phone’s performance. Rumor has it, the Moto X50 Pro’s rocking a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip. That’s top-tier, folks: quick and nimble. This chip’s already duking it out in the S24 Ultra. And the iPhone 16 Pro Max? Still playing coy, but its predecessor’s wielding an A17 Pro Bionic. Here’s the lowdown on how the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 squares up against the iPhone. If Moto’s bringing this chip, we’re in for a treat, performance-wise.

But wait, there’s more to a phone than just raw speed. We’re talking software, baby. Fingers crossed Motorola’s sprinkling some magic there too. Though, gotta say, details are kinda thin on the ground. Guess we’ll see when it drops.

Battery life? Oh, it’s key for a flagship. Word on the street is the Moto X50 Ultra might come with a 4,500mAh battery. And get this: 125W wired and 50W wireless charging. That’s lightning-fast, folks. Even its predecessor had this insane charging speed, and it did wonders on the battery front, especially during those YouTube marathons.

And AI – it’s the new black. Seems like every phone’s flirting with generative AI this year (side-eyeing Apple to see if they’ll jump on the bandwagon). Moto’s teaser was all mysterious about the AI features, but just the fact they’re exploring it? Signals they’re aiming high.

From the Moto X50 Ultra teaser

But here’s where Moto needs to level up to really compete: Cameras. We’re talking zoom and color accuracy. The S24 Ultra’s camera game has leveled up big time. And don’t even get me started on the iPhone. As for Moto? Still waiting on the deets. Last year’s model had a decent setup: 50MP main, 50MP ultra-wide, and a 12MP 2x zoom. Daylight shots? Pretty solid. But dynamic range and zoom? Could use a boost. If Moto’s serious about joining the big leagues, cameras gotta get some love.

Then there’s the elephant in the room: software updates. A flagship without longevity is like a car without gas. And Motorola? Kinda lagging with just 3 years of updates. Apple and Samsung? They’re offering 7. Seven! C’mon, Moto, you can do better.

Moto’s 2023 success and the road to flagship-ness

Moto had a killer 2023. Seriously, they nailed the fourth quarter and climbed to Europe’s fourth-largest phone manufacturer. Shipments soared by 73% from the previous year. But let’s be real: most folks turn to Moto for a reliable phone, not necessarily a dazzling one.

Flagship buyers are a different breed. They crave the latest and greatest, and rightfully so given the price tag on these babies. Moto’s got the chip, the AI, and the promise of performance. But will that be enough to turn heads in the flagship market?

The Motorola Edge 40 Pro

Motorola’s story is a long one, starting way back in 1928. By 1993, they were dominating the mobile phone market. Then smartphones happened, and well, Moto kinda missed the bus. Apple dropped the iPhone in 2007, and it was game over. Moto kept churning out phones, but the world wanted more – a pocket computer that could also make calls. Moto stuck to the old script too long.

But now? With this new focus on AI, maybe, just maybe, Moto’s catching up. Sure, some might say AI’s a gimmick. But it’s not about the AI itself; it’s about focusing on what phones can do beyond calls. It’s been a long road, but if Moto’s finally got the message, we might just see some real competition in the flagship market. And competition? That’s the spice of innovation, something we desperately need.

So here’s hoping Moto steps up.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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