Public Transit Directions Expand on Wear OS Devices

What you should know


  • The Google Maps app on Wear OS is receiving an update that introduces public transit directions, allowing users to navigate bus, train, and ferry routes directly from their wrist.
  • This update, part of the March Pixel Feature Drop, is being rolled out as a server-side update and aims to simplify the process of planning commutes and navigating public transportation for Wear OS users.
  • In addition to public transit directions, Google has announced new fitness-related features for Wear OS devices, including the expansion of Pace Training, Heart Zone Training, and a redesigned workout screen for the first-generation Pixel Watch.
  • While initially announced as part of a Pixel Feature Drop, the public transit directions update in Google Maps for Wear OS is expected to be available on other Wear OS devices that can run the app, not just Pixel watches.


Full Story

Oh, hey there! So, Google’s been up to some pretty cool stuff lately. Specifically, if you’re a fan of not getting lost (who isn’t, right?), you’ll be stoked about this. The Google Maps app on those fancy Wear OS gadgets is getting a sweet little upgrade. Yep, we’re talking about the kind of update that was hyped up during the March Pixel Feature Drop.

Now, this isn’t just any update. It’s the kind that makes you wonder how you ever managed without it. Public transit directions are finally making their way to your wrist. That’s right – buses, trains, ferries, you name it. Imagine navigating all those routes directly from your wrist. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, doesn’t it?

9to5Google spilled the beans on this one. They’re saying that this transit direction magic is coming through a server-side update in Google Maps for Wear OS. And we’re talking version 11.119.0702.W here. This is a game-changer for all the Wear OS users out there. No more fumbling with your phone while trying to catch that last-minute bus.

But wait, there’s more. This update isn’t just about making your commute less of a headache. It’s about taking the convenience and utility of the Google Maps app on Wear OS devices to a whole new level. Seriously, video format not supported? No problem. Who needs videos when you’ve got this kind of tech at your fingertips?

And let’s not forget, Wear OS has been getting quite a bit of love from Google recently. We’re not just talking transit directions here. Google’s also been teasing us with fitness-related goodies. Think Pace Training, Heart Zone Training, and a snazzy new workout screen for the first-gen Pixel Watch. It’s like Christmas came early, but only for Pixel Watch 2 owners. Until now, that is.

The OG Pixel Watch is finally getting in on the action. We’re talking the Fitbit Relax app and automatically recognized workouts. These were Pixel Watch 2 exclusives, but not anymore. It’s a bit of a mystery if this transit directions update will grace non-Pixel Wear OS watches. Though it was announced as a Pixel Feature Drop, it’s all tied to the Google Maps app. So, fingers crossed, it should roll out to other Wear OS devices too.

In the meantime, if you’ve got Google Maps on your Wear OS watch, do yourself a favor. Check for updates in the Play Store, like, now. You’ll want to make sure you’re rocking the latest version with all these fancy new features and improvements. Trust me, your wrist will thank you.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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