Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro Update Introduces Auto Switch Feature

What you should know


  • Samsung is rolling out a new update to the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro, introducing Auto Switch feature and laying the groundwork for Auracast support.
  • The update includes a mention of “Auracast and device operation-related stabilization code,” hinting at future TV functionality for Samsung devices.
  • Improvements in connectivity with PCs and overall usability have been made, alongside general stability and reliability enhancements.
  • While the update does not include the anticipated Live Translations feature, it suggests that similar updates may be extended to the Galaxy Buds 2 and Galaxy Buds FE to align their software capabilities with the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro.


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Oh boy, Samsung’s at it again. They’ve been whispering sweet nothings about bringing Auracast to their Galaxy phones and tablets. And guess what? The first glimmers of hope are starting to flicker through. They’ve rolled out a spanking new update for the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro. But it’s not just any update. This one’s special.

It’s like they’ve added a cherry on top with this new feature called Auto Switch. Ever been in that annoying spot where you had to reconnect your earbuds every time you switched devices? Well, say goodbye to those days. Now, it’s smooth sailing – or switching, should I say.

And oh, there’s this bit about Auracast. The update’s changelog had this cryptic message about “an Auracast and device operation-related stabilization code.” Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? It’s like they’re laying down the red carpet, getting ready for the big TV functionality they’ve been teasing. Can’t wait to see how that turns out.

But wait, there’s more. They’ve also tweaked things to play nicer with PCs. And, of course, they threw in the usual “stability and reliability improvements.” Though, they’re keeping the juicy details under wraps. Classic Samsung, always leaving us wanting more.

Now, about those Live Translations they’ve been dangling in front of us. The latest update’s playing coy; not a peep about it. Seems like we’ll have to wait a bit longer for that magic to happen.

Let’s not forget the Galaxy Buds 2 and Galaxy Buds FE. Rumor has it, they might be getting a similar glow-up. It’s all about keeping the family together, right? Keeping everyone on the same, shiny, updated page. Well, fingers crossed they don’t leave anyone behind.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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