Samsung May Upgrade Galaxy S25 at Its Own Expense

What you should know


  • The Galaxy S24 series employs the Samsung GN3 sensor, which offers improvements over the Galaxy S22’s ISOCELL GN5 sensor, featuring a 1/1.57-inch sensor size with 1.0μm-sized pixels and utilizing Samsung’s Tetrapixel technology for clearer photos.
  • Sony is reportedly relocating parts of its image sensor production process to South Korea, a move that hints at a collaboration between Sony and Samsung for future Galaxy devices, potentially starting with the Galaxy S25.
  • The collaboration between Sony and Samsung could lead to the integration of Sony sensors alongside Samsung’s in-house sensors in future Galaxy smartphones, possibly enhancing their competitiveness in the high-end smartphone market.
  • Despite the potential benefits of Sony’s entry into the South Korean market for Samsung’s smartphone competitiveness, there are concerns about the impact on Samsung’s LSI division, highlighting the risks Samsung is willing to take to improve its smartphone offerings.


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Oh, the Galaxy S24’s camera system? It’s decent, sure. But, let’s be real – it’s not exactly blowing the top camera phones out of the water. Samsung’s got ambition, though. They’re itching for a change. Seems like their hunger for improvement nudged Sony to pack up some of their gear and head over to South Korea.

Now, about the S24 and its sibling, the S24 Plus. They’re rocking the Samsung GN3 sensor. If that sounds familiar, it’s ’cause it’s not too far off from the Galaxy S22’s ISOCELL GN5 sensor. This GN3? It’s a 1/1.57-inch sensor, packed with 1.0μm-sized pixels. And thanks to Samsung’s Tetrapixel tech, it snaps pretty clear photos.

Here’s the scoop: Sony’s shifting gears, moving bits of its image sensor production over to South Korea. Why? Well, it’s Samsung’s turf. And while the grapevine hasn’t outright said Sony’s making sensors for the Galaxy S25, it’s dropping some heavy hints. The future might just see Samsung blending Sony’s tech with their own in-house sensors.

And get this – the new sensor Sony’s working on? Might just outshine their current lineup. There’s chatter about a spanking new coating process that could up the sensor quality. If Sony’s cameras make their way into the Galaxy S25, we could be looking at a serious contender in the smartphone arena. But, Sony’s move into Korea could ruffle some feathers at Samsung’s LSI division. Still, Samsung seems game to take that risk if it means stepping up their phone game.

But hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. These new phones? They’re nearly a year out. And in the tech world? A year’s a lifetime. Anything could happen.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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