Tim Cook Confirms Vision Pro Launch in China This Year

What you should know


  • Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the Vision Pro spatial computer will be launched in mainland China later this year, as reported by China’s state media outlet CCTV Finance.
  • During his visit to China, Cook revealed that Apple plans to continue increasing its investment in research and development within the country.
  • The Vision Pro is expected to be released in other overseas markets, with more details possibly being shared at WWDC 2024 in June.
  • Other countries anticipated to receive the Vision Pro include Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and the U.K., with releases expected to start before WWDC in June.


Full Story

Oh, guess what? Last week, we spilled the beans about Apple’s Vision Pro spatial computer expanding its horizons. And today, we’ve got something juicier. Apple’s big boss, Tim Cook himself, let slip that Vision Pro’s gonna hit the Chinese market later this year. This tidbit? Courtesy of Reuters, who got it from CCTV Finance on Weibo. Yeah, that’s right, straight from the horse’s mouth.

So, Cook was hanging out in China, attending the China Development Forum in Beijing. That’s where reporters got a chance to quiz him about Vision Pro. And oh boy, did they get some scoop. Not just about the product, but Cook also mentioned Apple’s big plans. They’re ramping up their R&D spending in China. Big moves, huh?

Now, hold onto your hats. We might get more deets on Vision Pro’s international debut at WWDC 2024. That’s happening in June, though Apple’s playing coy on the exact dates. They usually drop that info around late March or early April. Remember last year? March 29 was the big reveal for WWDC 2023 dates.

Here’s the headline grabber: “The Vision Pro spatial computer is China bound,” says Apple CEO Tim Cook. And while we’re on the topic of Cook’s China chronicles, he’s not just there for tea. Last week, he was all smiles at the Jing’an Apple Store opening in Shanghai. That’s Apple’s 57th store in China, and the eighth in Shanghai alone. It’s only outshone by the flagship on New York’s swanky Fifth Avenue.

But wait, there’s more. Cook’s also rumored to be chatting with Baidu. They’re talking AI, folks. As for Vision Pro’s grand tour, it’s eyeing stops in Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and the U.K. The timeline’s a bit fuzzy, but Ming-Chi Kuo from TFI International hints it could be before June’s WWDC.

So, there you have it. Apple’s making moves, and the world’s watching. Stay tuned for more updates, ’cause this story’s just getting started.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynnhttps://www.phonesinsights.com
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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